one of the best ways to cleanse the liver and colon


Coffee enema’s are one of the best ways to enhance your body’s ability to detox, reducing your liver’s load while optimising the detoxification of your blood. Coffee enema’s have many benefits and are a natural and inexpensive way to take ownership of your health in the privacy of your home.



Put simply, a coffee enema is the insertion of brewed coffee into the rectum. This is what is known as a retention enema, hence the aim is to retain the coffee solution in the colon for at least 15 minutes. This is the amount of time it takes for the coffees powerful compounds to be absorbed by the veins which connect directly to the liver. Once the coffees key compounds reach the liver, they cause the blood vessels to dilate stimulating a chain of healing benefits.

Coffee administered via enema has a different effect on the body then when it is consumed as a drink. Do not be dissuaded if you find that you are sensitive to coffee, minimal amounts can have an incredibly positive effect, this self-treatment process is about learning what is appropriate for you. Be sure to read through the instructions carefully, allowing yourself the time and space to practice.


  • aids in the elimination of toxins, excess hormones, parasites, yeast, fungi and heavy metals.

  • stimulates the production of bile.

  • facilitates the liver to cleanse.

  • speeds up the processes of detoxification.

  • purifies the blood and lymph.

  • cleans and heals the colon.

  • enhances cellular regeneration.

  • increases cell energy production.

  • improves immunity.

  • improves mental clarity.

  • enhances tissue health and repair not only in the colon but right through the body even all the way to the skin.

  • aids the liver in metabolising excess oestrogen, reducing oestrogen levels particularly important to anyone who has ever taken synthetic hormones including the Pill, Mirena Coil, HRT etc.

  • stimulates the glutathione-s-transferase enzyme system which reacts to the free radicals causing cell damage in the bloodstream rendering them inert and easy to eliminate.

  • enables the elimination of toxic metals and toxic chemicals including medical drugs from the liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, both the large and small intestines, liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas and other organs.

  • one of the most effective ways to “mechanically” clear out faecal compaction which is essentially the build up of faeces along the intestinal wall. This results in a reduction in the amount of toxins coming from this putrefying material which would otherwise be absorbed back into the body.

  • helps to restore the correct acid-alkaline balance - the increase in bile alkalises the small intestine while the influx of the coffee solution acidifies the large intestine.


  • the symptoms of general toxicity - nausea, headache, migraine and more.

  • liver congestion and sluggishness.

  • gallbladder congestion and the mitigation of gallbladder ‘attacks’ and gallstones.

  • digestive disorders - nausea, bloating, flatulence, the repair of cellular damage.

  • pain and inflammation - general or as caused by conditions such as arthritis and cancer.

  • general nervous tension, depression, brain fog and more.


Liver Bile is a viscous green-yellow alkaline liquid that has a key role to play in the maintaining of our good health. A healthy liver should produce between one to one-and-a-half litres per day however the majority of people in today’s modern world are believed to manage on only a cups worth!

  • Bile is essential in the digestion of fats. When fat is not absorbed, calcium is not absorbed which then results in the body having to draw calcium from the bones in to the blood in order to maintain alkalinity.

  • Bile enables the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

  • Bile is crucially the route by which the liver eliminates the body’s toxic waste products.

  • Insufficient levels of bile results in toxic congestion which can contribute to conditions ranging from headaches to acne, hormonal imbalances and the build up of problematic gallstones,